Course Description
This course presents a clinical reasoning model for treating children who have unusual and challenging behaviors involving a lack of modulation of sensation. The understanding of treatment for individuals with sensory modulation difficulties (SM) are becoming better identified in the greater body of sensory integration theory. This course will provide an overview of the theoretical foundations of SM from occupational therapy literature and related neuroscience research. A model for planning, implementation, and monitoring treatment will be presented: Sensation, Task, Environment, Predictability, Playfulness, Self-Monitoring, and Interactions or the S.T.E.P.P.S. I.
The STEPPSIⓒ is a principle-based model that breaks down treatment into easily understandable components. The STEPPSIⓒ is an evidence-based model originally devised in the late 1990-s and now updated for a new generation of therapists and for educators and parents.. Participants should have foundation knowledge in sensory integration (Ayres SI (ASIⓇ) in particular) theory and treatment.
Fall 2023: Self Paced Course
DATES: The online, self-paced version of The STEPPSI course will launch on 9/21/23 with open enrollment through November 1st, 2023. Please note that learners will have *120 days* from registration to access the course materials and associated learning community.
ONLINE DISTANCE LEARNING: This course consists of pre-recorded lectures that participants will take at a self-guided pace, integration of learning activities, and a case study assignment to support application in everyday practice.
In addition, we will be holding a live, virtual group meeting led by Tracy Stackhouse on December 15th, 2023 from 12-1:30 MST. This gathering will provide an opportunity for learners to ask questions, engage in a case study example, and further integrate the learned material. While not required, we hope you will join us for this group meeting!
EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: Introductory. There are no prerequisites for this course. Participants would benefit, however, from having foundational knowledge of sensory integration (Ayres SI (ASIⓇ) in particular) theory and treatment.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Occupational therapists, Occupational therapy assistants
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: Pre-recorded lecture videos, course slides, and a case study assignment.
CONTINUING EDUCATION INFORMATION: Developmental FX is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID #0000006421 . This distance learning course will be offered at 1.6 AOTA CEUs, beginner educational level, in the OT service delivery category. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.
COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS: In order to earn continuing education credit for this course, it must be completed in entirety. This includes: watching all of the pre-recorded videos, receiving passing scores (60% or higher) on integration of knowledge quizzes, completion of the case study assignment, and a passing score (60% or higher) on the post-evaluation. At this time, the learner must complete a PD activity in entirety in order to receive credit and associated CEUs. No partial credit will be awarded.
ADA/ Section 504: If you require accommodations or have a request related to accessibility, please email [email protected] for assistance.
Cost: $450 Please note that we have discount codes available for participants that have taken The SpIRiT or previous versions of The STEPPSI course. Email [email protected] if you did not receive an email with the code.
DFX Learning Journeys is an AOTA Approved Provider. Course Approval ID#0000006421 for this course.
STEPPSI Course Overview Fall 2023.pdf
Course curriculum
Welcome to The STEPPSI: A Tool for Effective Clinical Reasoning
Course Overview
Copyright Guidelines
STEPPSI Course Slides
Section 1: Handout Packet: Larger Slides
STEPPSI Selected References
Chapter 1 Preview
Before You Begin: Case Study Prep
Chapter 1: Introduction to the STEPPSI and Why Clinical Reasoning Is Important
Chapter 1: Integration of Knowledge Quiz
Chapter 1: Pause and Practice
Chapter 2 Preview
Chapter 2: Sensory Modulation & Regulation in the Context of Broader SI Capacities
Chapter 2: Integration of Knowledge Quiz
Chapter 3 Preview
Chapter 3a: Coming to an Understanding of Sensory Modulation & Regulation
Chapter 3b: Neuroscience Concepts of Sensory Modulation & Regulation*
Chapter 3: Pause and Practice
Section 2: Handout Packet
Chapter 4 Preview
Chapter 4: Clinical Reasoning Process
Chapter 4: Pause and Practice

About this course
- $450.00
- 42 lessons
- 14.5 hours of video content
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Define clinical reasoning and summarize why it is important in everyday practice
Identify the core underpinnings encompassed within the STEPPSI process.
Recognize how the STEPPSI process aligns with Ayres Sensory Integration.
Demonstrate the ability to generate a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan based upon the STEPPSI
Implement the STEPPSI process to create comprehensive treatment plans across practice settings.
Meet Your Instructors

Executive Director, Occupational Therapist Tracy Stackhouse

MHS (OT) Dave Jereb
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be submitted in writing to [email protected] in order to receive a full refund (with the exception of a $25 administrative fee.) Please note that participants will be made aware of their ability to access recordings of the live cohort meetings upon registration if applicable for the course.
DFX Learning Journeys reserves the right to cancel an event with due cause. If a cancellation should occur, participants will be refunded in full and made aware of the cancellation as soon as possible using the provided contact information.