Course curriculum
Fragile X: An Overview and Introduction to Care Mapping- PART 1
Fragile X: An Overview and Introduction to Care Mapping- PART 2
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Fragile X: An Overview and Introduction to Care Mapping Online Course Feedback- Optional, but much appreciated

About this course
- Free
- 5 lessons
- 1 hour of video content
"Living and Learning the Fragile X Way"
An Overview and Introduction to Care Mapping
In honor of World Fragile X Awareness Day, we are so excited to share this resource with you and to provide a preview of the offerings that will be available through our upcoming Fragile X Academy. Grounded in decades of research and experience working with the Fragile X population, The Fragile X Academy will provide training series for parents, caregivers, therapy providers, and school teams that promote a deeper understanding of Fragile X syndrome and best practices for ‘living and learning the Fragile X way.’
In Part 1, Tracy provides a brief overview of Fragile X syndrome and an introduction to the benefits of using care mapping to promote comprehensive, Fragile X informed care. In the second video, viewers have the opportunity to watch as Tracy and Karen walk through the care mapping process in relation to Karen’s son with Fragile X syndrome. We hope you find this information valuable and we look forward to the launch of The Fragile X Academy later this year.


Executive Director, Occupational Therapist Tracy Stackhouse
Tracy Murnan Stackhouse, MA, OTR is the executive director of Developmental FX (DFX) in Denver, Colorado, a non-profit organization providing clinical and training services to engage and elevate pediatric therapeutic practice. She is a leading pediatric occupational therapist (OT) involved in clinical treatment, research, mentoring, and training regarding OT intervention for persons with neurodevelopmental disorders, especially Fragile X Syndrome and autism. Tracy has a master’s degree in developmental psychology/neuroscience. She received her NDT training with Lois Bly. She is SIPT Certified and was the clinical specialist in sensory integration at The Children’s Hospital in Denver as well as the OT for the Fragile X Research and Treatment Center. Tracy continued her clinical and research work with Dr. Randi Hagerman at the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute during its start-up year prior to starting Developmental FX. Tracy has written several book chapters on sensory integration and neurodevelopmental disorders and teaches nationally and internationally on sensory integration, autism, fragile X and related topics. She is the lead author for the SpIRiT & S.T.E.P.S.I. Clinical Reasoning Tools which are leading-edge evidence-based models in pediatric OT. These models are utilized in OT practices around the globe and included in the model at Camp Jabiru in Australia. The tools are shared through the “Spirited Conversations’ Podcast as well as through DFX’s training platform, Learning Journeys. Tracy has ongoing courses offered through Medbridge and iLS/Untyte (remote training use of the Safe and Sound Protocol). Tracy is a member of the National Fragile X Foundation Clinical Research Consortium, the Scientific And Clinical Advisory Committee, and the NFXF Advisory Council and an expert advisor to the CDC and RTI Fragile X Priorities Panel.
Tracy is the co-founder of Developmental FX, which is a non-profit organization that is governed according to our mission and bylaws with a board of directors providing fiduciary and general oversight. All proceeds from trainings and publications are paid to the non-profit and not directly to Tracy to ensure that there is no conflict of interest and no disclosure.